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New english winds in the GMMMC

English area - GMMMC

Aug 12, 2022

To feel English or not to feel English, that’s the real question and the real fact of our english implications at GMMMC, you wonder why? Lately, all of us have been exposed to different ambiences, messages, information and motivation to interact in this language apart from our beloved Spanish, most importantly, we have been challenged on the good side to start falling in love with English, as our foreign beloved language, too.

It has become one of the main purposes of our institutional identity and one of the main reasons to dream about winds of success, cultural recognition, soft skills and a more aware consciousness from the other person as a part of my daily environment, too.

"those winds of august are the chance to start using english as part of our routine, like changing the chip and feeling comfortable with it".

In August specially, the winds have changed into a more "englishes atmosphere", sometimes the wind can be soft, other times, it can be even softer, but wait! Not so slow, suddenly, they can be harder and even stronger, but never pessimistic, on the contrary, those winds of august are the chance to start using english as part of our routine, like changing the chip and feeling comfortable with it.

From the greeting to the farewell, from the instruction to the Deep conversation, from the joke to the game, from the tricky Word to the reseach, from the routine to the future, winds bloiw at different directions because that is the flow of our lives, that is the sense of being alive, that is to follow God’s will without concerns, but with all confidence to give a try and not to give up anything.

How can we, then, define English winds in our institution? That would be a good idea, first of all to reflect on what is wind in our existence… Wind becomes something that somehow we cannot perceive so easily, but we can feel it, it is humble, it is present all the time in our respiratory systems in our movements in our walking, running and playing. Have you noticed that?

Well, those winds of feeling are the winds of our english path that need to be continued and strengthen. Possibilities of flowing with the wind, there are many. Wind has the chance to become stronger and being there in your own pace with the lives’ rhythm. Some necessary observations to realice how we can live with the wind and take the maximum advantage of its presence in nature.

So, English is a door to let winds get in and get out, it overcomes our idea of doing and listening, of speaking and discovering, English winds definitely knock on our GMMMC’s gate with doors wide opened.

Wonder and realize

Initiatives and efforts through

Narrating a continuous road in the

Discovery and living

Let those winds reach you, that’s for good!

Thanks so much, See you soon, for sure ☺

"English is a door to let winds get in and get out, it overcomes our idea of doing and listening, of speaking and discovering, English winds definitely knock on our GMMMC’s gate with doors wide opened".

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