Dylan Martinez and Santiago López, Tenth grade, GMMMMC
Mar 13, 2023
We know that San Anthony of Padua is an important person for the Catholic religion, but how San Anthony of Padua became this important? How was he? And how is he reflected in us nowadays? All of these questions will be answered in this article:
Saint Anthony of Padua was a priest who was born on August 15th 1195 and died on June 13th 1231, he lived in Portugal, his dad was ‘Martín de Alfonso’, This super known man was part of the "Bouillon" they were a French family of the age, he also studied in the cathedral school, canons monastery, there he graduated as a priest and doctor of the Church. In our opinion this important person, Anthony of Padua s an icon for the catholic religion and an example of virtue and humility, those lost values that we have now for considering other options that are not good for our souls and for healthier social lifestyles in the several communities.
"St. Anthony of Padua was characterized for helping all people and searching solutions about all different problems".
Saint Anthony is famous in the world as the Saint who helps to find lost things. From the objects of everyday life to important documents and valuable things.
The following prayer is dedicated to invoking Saint Anthony in search of what has been lost. His prayer is: "Saint Anthony, glorious servant of God, famous for your merits and powerful miracles, help us to find lost things: give us your help in the trial and enlighten our minds in the search for the will of God. Help us to find again the life of grace that destroyed our sin and lead us to the possession of the glory that the Savior promised us, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen."
But no only for finding missing things, he can also be the perfect interceding saint to find true love by finding the perfect couple for the entire life as well as protect children and babies. In fact, one of his most famous miracles happened with little Tomasito, a 20-month-old baby. Tomasito was about to get drown. His mother prayed to this Franciscan priest of whom he was devoted and, through his intercession, the little one was saved from drowning.
He is also known as the "Saint of Lost Causes". This devotion comes from a story that San Antonio lived in the first person. He was in Bologna as a teacher. One day, one of his students stole his book of Psalms without him knowing it. Whether he had lost it or if it had been stolen, he thought of the same solution: he prayed to find it, and imagine what happened; it appeared safe and sound.
"Anthony of Padua s an icon for the catholic religion and an example of virtue and humility, those lost values that we have now for considering other options that are not good for our souls and for healthier social lifestyles in the several communities".
Finally, the young man ended up returning it to him. This book is currently preserved in the Franciscan convent of Bologna. Another attributed given to St. Anthony of Padua is his intercession for conversion. He is the patron saint of masons, papermakers, travelers and the poor people.
St. Anthony of Padua was characterized for helping all people and searching solutions about all different problems. In his time his form of charity and the oratorical qualities that he carried for his young age were globally recognized by the people from that time and on, too. He was a good expositor of biblical arguments, actually in his work as a professor; he did everything through example and experience. He wanted his followers to be bearers of healthy customs and that their hearts would always be ready to God, to help and to love in God’s grace and mercy.